P.O. Box 7612, Charlotte, North Carolina 28241

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 6 pm

The DUBLE Cryptocurrency

DUBLE is a decentralized economic development project for the black community worldwide with a key focus on poverty alleviation through creating and distributing unconditional basic income among black communities according to their needs. We will enable the black community to access a basic income through DUBLE smart contracts with specific parameters based on reality. Beneficiaries added to that contract can claim a basic income regularly and use it for whatever they need to buy.

For example, a family part of the community in Detroit can have access to $20 (of our project) per week. Every four weeks, they will be able to buy something they need. It is just an example; the possibilities are countless. DUBLE will support 20,000 families in our first year, and the program will grow over time. You can learn more about The DUBLE Cryptocurrency at